

Ferum's implementation of a doubly linked list. Values stored in the list should be cheap to copy. Duplicate values are supported.

This list should be used for values that are cheap to copy. For a list that stores by moving values, see (ref_linked_list)[/]

Worst Case Time Complexity

Insertion of value to tail


Deletion of value


Deletion of value at head


Deletion of value at tail


Contains value


Where D is the number of duplicates of that particular value.

Each value is stored internally in a table with a unique key pointing to that value. The key is generated sequentially using a u128 counter. So the maximum number of values that can be added to the list is MAX_U128 (340282366920938463463374607431768211455).

Quick Example

use ferum_std::linked_list::{Self, List};

// Create a list with u128 values.
let list = linked_list::new<u128>();

// Add values
linked_list::add(&mut list, 100);
linked_list::add(&mut list, 50);
linked_list::add(&mut list, 20);
linked_list::add(&mut list, 200);
linked_list::add(&mut list, 100); // Duplicate

print_list(&list) // 100 <-> 50 <-> 20 <-> 200 <-> 100

// Iterate through the list, left to right.
let iterator = iterator(&list);
while (linked_list::has_next(&iterator)) {
let value = linked_list::get_next(&list, &mut iterator);

// Get length of list.
linked_list::length(&list) // == 4

// Check if list contains value.
linked_list::contains(&list, 100) // true
linked_list::contains(&list, 300) // false

// Remove last
print_list(&list) // 100 <-> 50 <-> 20 <-> 200

// Remove first
print_list(&list) // 50 <-> 20 <-> 200

Resource LinkedList

Struct representing the linked list.

struct LinkedList<V: copy, drop, store> has store, key

Struct ListPosition

Used to represent a position within a doubly linked list during iteration.

struct ListPosition<V: copy, drop, store> has copy, drop, store



Thrown when a duplicate key is added to the list.

const DUPLICATE_KEY: u64 = 2;


Thrown when a trying to perform an operation that requires a list to have elements but it doesn't.

const EMPTY_LIST: u64 = 3;


Thrown when the key for a given node is not found.

const KEY_NOT_FOUND: u64 = 1;


Thrown when attempting to iterate beyond the limit of the linked list.

const MUST_HAVE_NEXT_VALUE: u64 = 5;


Thrown when a value being searched for is not found.

const VALUE_NOT_FOUND: u64 = 4;


Function new

Initialize a new list.

public fun new<V: copy, drop, store>(): linked_list::LinkedList<V>

Function singleton

Creates a linked list with a single element.

public fun singleton<V: copy, drop, store>(val: V): linked_list::LinkedList<V>

Function add

Add a value to the list.

public fun add<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &mut linked_list::LinkedList<V>, value: V)

Function insert_at

Inserts a value to the given index.

public fun insert_at<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &mut linked_list::LinkedList<V>, value: V, idx: u128)

Function remove

Removes a value from the list. If there are duplicates, a random occurence is removed.

public fun remove<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &mut linked_list::LinkedList<V>, value: V)

Function remove_first

Remove the first element of the list. If the list is empty, will throw an error.

public fun remove_first<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &mut linked_list::LinkedList<V>)

Function remove_last

Remove the last element of the list. If the list is empty, will throw an error.

public fun remove_last<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &mut linked_list::LinkedList<V>)

Function borrow_first

Get a reference to the first element of the list.

public fun borrow_first<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &linked_list::LinkedList<V>): &V

Function borrow_last

Get a reference to the last element of the list.

public fun borrow_last<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &linked_list::LinkedList<V>): &V

Function contains

Returns true is the element is in the list.

public fun contains<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &linked_list::LinkedList<V>, value: V): bool

Function length

Returns the length of the list.

public fun length<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &linked_list::LinkedList<V>): u128

Function is_empty

Returns true if empty.

public fun is_empty<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &linked_list::LinkedList<V>): bool

Function as_vector

Returns the list as a vector.

public fun as_vector<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &linked_list::LinkedList<V>): vector<V>

Function iterator

Returns a left to right iterator. First time you call next(...) will return the first value. Updating the list while iterating will abort.

public fun iterator<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &linked_list::LinkedList<V>): linked_list::ListPosition<V>

Function has_next

Returns true if there is another element left in the iterator.

public fun has_next<V: copy, drop, store>(position: &linked_list::ListPosition<V>): bool

Function get_next

Returns the next value, and updates the current position.

public fun get_next<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &linked_list::LinkedList<V>, position: &mut linked_list::ListPosition<V>): V

Function peek_next

Returns a reference to the next value in the iterator. The iterator position is not updated.

public fun peek_next<V: copy, drop, store>(list: &linked_list::LinkedList<V>, position: &linked_list::ListPosition<V>): &V

Function drop

Empties out the list and drops all values.

public fun drop<V: copy, drop, store>(list: linked_list::LinkedList<V>)

Last updated